Congratulations You're In!

We only allow 50 product tester at a given time.

***If you do not order any test products within 7 days we will have to give up your spot to someone else.

2 Product Tiers

  • Silver tier - products that normally cost $30-$100
  • Gold tier - products that normally cost $100+ 

How it works...

  1. We have unlocked 4 Silver Tier products for you to choose from.

  2. Order a minimum of 1 product. ( ONLY cover the cost of shipping.)

  3. We will email & text you a feedback form within 7 days of you receiving the test product.

  4. Submit your feedback.

After you submit your 1st test product feedback you will automatically get access to all Silver Tier products and unlock exclusive Gold Tier test products with retail prices over $100. (sorry you have to prove yourself first before we can give access)

After you submit your 1st test product feedback you will get access to exclusive Gold Tier test products (sorry you have to prove yourself first before we can give access)

Again you are 1 of 50 product testers and we can only have active product testers.

Choose your 1st test items now!

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